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Monday, December 14, 2009

Your Reproductive Organs

The female body is one of nature’s most wonderful and complex creations. It is the origin of all human life. A woman’s journey in life is punctuated by many milestones; childhood, puberty, matrimony, pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood, each milestone special in its own way.

Your reproductive health is just as important as other aspects of your health. A better understanding of reproductive system can help gain a clearer picture of just how sensitive reproductive organs are and how they help you be what you are.

The female reproductive system includes the external genital organs and the internal reproductive organs

The external reproductive organs

Vulva: This is the external part of the female reproductive organs located between the legs. It covers the opening to the Vagina and other reproductive organs located inside the body.

Located just above the top of the vaginal opening is a fleshy area called the mons pubis. Two pairs of skin flaps called the labia (labia majora and labia minora) surround the vaginal opening, which protect the clitoris and the vaginal opening. When girls become sexually mature, the outer labia and the mons pubis are covered by pubic hair.

Clitoris: A small sensory organ is located toward the front of the vulva where the folds of the labia join. The clitoris is the reproductive organ most involved in sexual pleasure.

The top part of the clitoris is a short protrusion above the vaginal opening. Its tip is very sensitive, so the clitoris is protected by a flap of skin, which is known as the hood. When a woman is sexually aroused, blood rushes to the clitoris, making it the most important organ for female sexual response.

Urethral opening: It is the opening between the clitoris and the Vagina through which a woman urinates.

G-spot: (Grafenberg spot) also known as the urethral sponge is a small area behind the pubic bone and a very sensitive area of the Vagina. It is an erogenous zone that when stimulated leads to high levels of sexual arousal and powerful orgasms.

Internal reproductive organs

Vagina: It is a muscular, hollow tube that extends from the vaginal opening to the Uterus. The vagina's muscular walls are lined with mucous membranes, which protect and keep it moist.

The Vagina has several important functions:


Helps in sexual intercourse.

Pathway for the baby to come out of the mother’s womb.

Acts as the route for the menstrual blood to leave the body from the Uterus.

Hymen: This is a thin sheet of tissue with 1 or more holes in it. The hymen partially covers the opening of the Vagina. The hymen may bleed when it tears. This may tear during sexual intercourse or even during activities like horse riding, cycling or gymnastics. This may accompanied by pain.

Cervix: It is the lower portion of the Uterus that opens into the Vagina. The Cervix is the opening that Sperm must pass through in order to reach the egg. During delivery the baby also goes through the Cervix as it exits the Uterus and enters the Vagina. The Cervix dilates to about 4 inches in diameter during labor.

Uterus: Also known as the womb. The Uterus is shaped like an upside-down pear and has a thick lining and muscular walls. An egg that has been fertilized will implant itself in the Uterus and will continue to develop in the Uterus throughout the pregnancy. These muscles in the uterine walls can expand and contract in order to accommodate a growing baby and then help push the baby out during labor.


Fallopian tubes: There are two fallopian tubes, each attached to a side of the Uterus. There are 20–25 finger-like structures (fimbriae) at the ends that hover just above the ovaries and work to collect the mature egg when it is released

Once the egg is in the fallopian tube, tiny hairs in the tube's lining help push it down the narrow passageway toward the Uterus. It is in the fallopian tubes that fertilization of the egg (egg mating with the sperm) will take place.

Ovaries: Ovaries are two small, almond-shaped glands that produce eggs. The ovaries also make the sex hormones Estrogen and Progesterone. An egg is released from the Ovary roughly every 28 days in a process called Ovulation.

The breast : The female breasts contain the mammary glands, which secrete milk used to feed infants. Although the primary function of the breasts is production of milk for the newborn baby, the female breasts play an important part in female sexual behavior. Stimulation of the female breasts enhances the sexual pleasure of a woman.

Functions of female reproductive system

* Produce and sustain the female sex Cells (egg Cells or ova).
* Transport these Cells to a site where they may be fertilized by sperm, once fertilized by the sperm, implant the fertilized egg in to the walls of the Uterus and initiate pregnancy.
* Provide a favorable environment for the developing baby.
* Move the baby to the outside environment once the baby is completely developed.
* Produce the female sex hormones that maintain the reproductive cycle.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Database Tips

What is database?

A database is a collection of related data stored in an efficient and compact manner. The word “efficient” means that stored data can be accessed very easily and quickly.

The data of any organization is its integral part. The data is very important for developing new products and their marketing. The data must be accurate and available when needed. This is the reason that all organization must organize and manage their data into database. The databases are used for variety of purposes in as organization. For example, when you purchase goods from your local supermarket, the checkout assistant will pass the purchased product through a scanner device known as bar code reader. This device will read the bar code printed on the product and gives the accurate price of the item. Actually, the bar code reader is accessing the database, which contains the information about the products. The bar code reader is linked to a database application program, which uses the bar code to access price of item. The database program automatically updates the database. The assistant can also check whether a required item is in stock by running the database application program. Similarly, you can purchase goods using your credit card. Your credit is checked by a card reader linked to a computer system. In this case, there is a database somewhere that contains information about your credit. Almost all organizations and government departments of every country in world use database to maintain their records. Some examples of large databases that have been developed around the world are:


When you draw amount from bank through ATM card, you are accessing the database; your account is accessed and checked through auto teller machine. When you draw some amount from your account, your record in the database is automatically updated immediately.

When you visit your local library, there may be a computerized database containing details of the books in the library. There will be a computerized index, which allows you to find a book based on its title, its author’s name etc.

The meteorological organization contains databases having information about current and previous meteorological data. The meteorological department is totally dependent on the meteorological data.

A database may be generated and maintained manually or it may be computerized. The library card catalog is an example of a database that is created and maintained manually. On the other hand, a computerized database may be created and maintained either by using application program, which is developed specifically for that purpose or by a database management systems.

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How Delete to files that are used bye other programs in windows XP/VISTA ?

tip will help you to delete the files and folders that are being used by another programs and applications, for example a virus affected file. You have tried to delete such kind of files or folders and received the any following messages.


Cannot delete file: the file is in use by the other program

Cannot delete file: There has been a sharing violation

Cannot delete file: The file is in use by another program or user

Cannot delete file: Disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

Cannot delete file: The source or destination file may be in use

Normally, a windows restart will allow you to delete such files or folders that are being used by other program, but if you want to manage it without restart your computer then simply you need to download a freeware tool called Unlocker.

You can download this tool for any windows version using Unlocker link. Download it and run the easy setup.

After installation, right click on file or folder that you want to delete and select the option Unlocker.

If your requested file or folder is used or locked by other application then a small window listing of lockers will appear.

Here simply click on “Unlock All” button and now you can easily delete this file.

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Christian Schools

Excellence in teaching

Congratulations to teachers recognised in the 2009 Awards for Teaching Excellence.

The Australian Awards for Teaching Excellence are an initiative of Teaching Australia. They celebrate teaching and its pivotal role in nation building.

Coral Connor, a Mathematics teacher from Northern Beaches Christian School has been recognised in the 'Excellence by a Teacher' category, while Leigh Williams from Christian Outreach College is recognised for excellence in the 'Beginning Teacher' category.

Coral is an innovator in the application of new technologies to the teaching of Mathematics, both for online and onsite students. Her methodology helps to bring maths alive to all students, including those with learning difficulties and disabilities. Coral's citation is on the Teaching Australia site

Leigh "stretches her students academically, motivates them intellectually and inspires them with a passion for mathematics and science," her citation says. It notes that despite being at an early stageg of her career, Leigh shows leadership both in and outside her school.

The awards were presented by Education Minister Julia Gillard during a ceremony at Parliament House, Canberra, to mark World Teachers Day.

Congratulations to Coral, Leigh, and all excellent teachers!

briefings Home

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Australian Schools


If you're a parent looking for a non-government school for your child, anywhere in Australia, you'll find that school here. This is the most comprehensive listing of all non-government schools in Australia, and the easy-to-use search engine helps you find every school that matches your needs and circumstances.

Many of the schools have links to their own websites and an on-line form you can send to the school, to request more information directly from the school.

How to find schools

First, click a City or State/Territory on the map, or on the list at the left. (Select a city for schools in that city, or a state/territory for schools outside those cities.)

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Inisiatip Bila Sandal Jepit Anda Putus

Pernah ga, pas lagi asik jalan2 pake sendal jepit, lalu tiba2 sendal jepit kita putus kaya gambar di bawah ini?

sendal putus:
gw sndiri pernah tu kaya gitu.. lagi pas enak jalan2, eh taunya malah putus tu sendal.. waktu itu di sekeliling gw lagi ga ada warung pula.. yang ada cm tukang minuman di pinggir jalan.. pikir punya pikir, akhirnya gw coba perbaikin sendal gw pake sedotan.. sedotan untuk minuman botol.. gw minta sama tu tukang minuman 1 sedotan buat repair sementara sendal gw..

so.. gw mau share nih cara2nya.. tutorial + pic.. sapa tau ada yg sendalnya putus tiba2 di tengah jalan trus bisa repair sementara.. ato mungkin lagi ga bawa uang banyak.. harga sendal jepit kan kisaran 6rebu-10rebu perak.. kalo di kantong cm ada 2rebu perak, cara ini bisa bantu nolong.. hehe..


1. pilih sedotan yang sewarna dengan sendal jepit.. kalo misalnya ga ada, ya uda terpaksa beda warna, namanya jg darurat.. hehe..
2. lipat sedotan
3. kemudian ikatkan sehingga membentuk simpul seperti ini
4. jika ada gunting, boleh ditambah optional ini.. gunting sedotan lain, seukuran jepitan sendal.. (ilustrasi menggunakan sedotan warna lain, spy terlihat jelas, nanti prakteknya sih pake warna yang sama ya, spy ga kliatan belang.. hehe..)
kemudian masukkan potongan sedotan melewati sedotan yang uda disimpul
5. nah setelah itu, masukkan sedotan td melewati lubang sendal jepit
6. setelah itu, sedotan dibentuk seperti gambar di bawah ini.. caranya seperti mengikat biasa, nanti jadinya berbentuk kaya gini..
7. done.. sendal jepit sekarang bisa digunakan..

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